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Tips for Dealing with Common Dental Emergencies Until You Can See a Dentist

Female dentist inside her dental clinic

You know that taking good care of your teeth is important. Unfortunately, even the best oral care routine won't prevent dental emergencies. Getting a tooth knocked out or losing a crown are just some of the accidents that can happen.

Acting quickly in a dental emergency can make the difference between saving or losing your teeth. Learn more about what to do when you need emergency dental services.


Relieve Pain in a Dental Emergency

Relieving the pain of a dental emergency is one of your first priorities. Reducing the discomfort will make waiting to see the dentist easier.

Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water is a good first step.

Use a Cold Compress

You can apply a cold compress on the outside of the mouth, cheek, or lip. Place the compress as close to the painful tooth as possible.

Be sure to wrap the compress in a thin cloth before using it. Applying ice directly to your skin can cause irritation.

Take Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever like aspirin or ibuprofen. However, avoid placing any pain relievers directly against your gums. These products can burn the gum tissue.

Save Chipped, Broken, or Knocked-Out Teeth

You may be able to save a tooth that has chipped, broken, or been knocked out if you get dental care right away. Your dentist has the best chance of saving your tooth within an hour of the tooth being knocked out.

Properly handling the damaged tooth gives you the best chance of saving it. For chipped or broken teeth, rinse any remaining pieces with water. You can use a piece of gauze in your mouth if the site is bleeding.

If a tooth gets knocked out, hold it by the crown. The crown is the part of the tooth that you usually see in your mouth.

Rinse the root with water if it's dirty. Be careful not to scrub it, though. Leave any attached tissue on the tooth.

Try to Reinsert a Knocked-Out Tooth

Try to put a knocked-out tooth back into the socket, being sure to face the tooth the right way. Don't force the tooth back in, though. This can cause damage.

If you can't put the tooth back in, you should take it with you to the dentist. You can:

  • Hold the tooth in your mouth, being careful not to swallow it

  • Put the tooth into a small container of milk

  • Put the tooth into a container with a cell growth medium, like Save-a-Tooth

These are the steps to follow for permanent teeth. If your child has a primary tooth knocked out, don't try to put it back into the socket. You could damage the permanent teeth underneath.

Repair Lost Fillings and Crowns

Fillings and crowns are two ways to fix damaged teeth. If you lose a crown or filling, the tooth could suffer further damage.

You can use over-the-counter dental cement to temporarily replace a filling. A piece of sugarless gum will also work. Don't use gum that contains sugar because it can make the tooth hurt.

You can try to put a crown back on. Coat the inside with dental cement, toothpaste, or denture adhesive to help hold it in place. Don't use glue, though.

You can also put dental cement or dental wax over the tooth to protect it until you can get to the dentist.

Call on the Experts for Dental Emergencies

When dental emergencies happen, you need dental care right away. Contact your dentist to get emergency services.

You can help manage the pain until you can get professional oral care. Properly handling a broken or knocked-out tooth increases the odds that your dentist can save the tooth. You can temporarily replace a lost filling or crown.

Dentistry in Streetsville understands how upsetting dental emergencies can be. We offer efficient emergency dental services in Mississauga and the surrounding communities. We treat adults and children.

Contact Dentistry in Streetsville for prompt attention to your dental care needs.


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